Academic Excellence: Faculty Support Services Portal

Ornate door

Welcome to the Academic Excellence: Faculty Support Services Portal, where our commitment to academic excellence meets our passion for inclusive, transformative education. 

In the spirit of our Holy Cross tradition, we offer a comprehensive suite of resources designed to empower you—our dedicated faculty—to pursue courageous teaching, groundbreaking research, and impactful creative work. 

Whether you seek innovative pedagogical strategies, cutting-edge technological tools, or guidance on fostering an equitable and just learning environment, our services are tailored to support your growth and success. As we strive to create a vibrant campus that nurtures Hilltopper pride and prepares students to engage meaningfully with the world, your role is pivotal. 

"St. Edward's University thrives due to a vibrant, inclusive teaching community."

Academic Excellence: Faculty Support Services

Explore our offerings in teaching support, library services, assessment and evaluation, technology integration, and initiatives promoting belonging and inclusion. Together, we'll cultivate an academic community that not only achieves distinction but also actively pursues a more just world through transformative learning experiences and community engagement.

two hands in heart shaped wiht soil and plant growing

Office of Academic Initiaitives and Faculty Success

Center for Teaching Excellence

The CTE focuses on a variety of activities designed to support our faculty and our mission, which include:

  • Advancing new initiatives in teaching and learning
  • Building strong communities of teaching and learning across campus
  • Providing support for faculty at all stages of their St. Edward’s teaching career
  • Recognizing excellence in teaching
Taking book off library shelf

Munday Library

Munday Library

Munday Library facilitates teaching via library instruction and our robust digital collection and archives, and we advance faculty scholarship through research support, including consultations on subjects such as data management, copyright, and publishing. We offer support to faculty in these areas:

  • Library Instruction
  • Collections
  • Research Help
  • Archives
  • Events
Learn on keyboard key

Office of Information Technology

Faculty Technology Support

“Empowering faculty with seamless technology support—from troubleshooting to teaching innovation.”

Instructional technology staff collaborate with faculty to ensure that technology enhances teaching and learning. From troubleshooting technical issues and managing classroom technology to providing instructional design and multimedia support, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Whether you need quick help from the Help Desk, training on new software, or in-depth consultation on integrating technology into your curriculum, we are here to help.

Wood tree with colorful people

Office of Academic Initiatives and Faculty Success

Faculty Belonging and Inclusion Program

We are dedicated to fostering an environment where every faculty member can thrive personally and professionally. Our initiatives cultivate social connections, fuel personal growth, and drive academic excellence across all disciplines.  

Our program offers a wide range of resources tailored to enrich every facet of faculty life on the Hilltop, empowering educators to thrive throughout their professional journeys.

  • Resources and Toolkits
  • Professional Development Workshops and Training
  • Consultations
  • Faculty Community Building Events
  • Collaborations with FCDI
pencil used to complete evaluation

Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Assessment and Course Evaluations

University Program Review

St. Edward’s University’s University Program Review (UPR) is a continuous improvement process required by the university’s SACS-COC regional accreditor. SACS-COC expects that the university regularly undertakes a holistic review of how programs—both academic and non-academic—align with broader institutional goals. St. Edward’s UPR analyzes each program’s alignment with mission, market, and margin. Initially, the program review will focus on majors, although minors will be included as supplemental information.

Faculty Support by Theme or Topic

Several offices, programs, and centers assist faculty on the Hilltop. These services enable faculty to build community, prepare to teach, engage with course design and evaluations, ready themselves for research and grant writing, pursue professional development through workshops and training, and remain active by attending campus events.  

The Munday Library hosts various events throughout the year, including research/tools-focused workshops, welcome receptions, maker workshops in the Library Innovation Lab, a speaker series, panel discussions, and much more! (More info here.) We’re always looking for ideas and collaboration from faculty!

The Faculty Belonging and Inclusion Program offers monthly events for faculty from all academic schools to meet and connect in an informal setting. It encourages social engagement among peers. Collaborations with FCDI and its Faculty Mentoring Program, Community Learning in Mentorship and Beyond (CLiMB), also provide opportunities for faculty to support each other. 

The CTE offers the New Faculty Orientation, the Teaching Symposium, and Faculty SoTL Groups. Other events include: 

  • Weekly writing group to support long-term RCSW projects
  • Semester-long faculty learning communities: Books & Coffee, Read. Try. Chat.
  • Teaching community check-in events 

Teaching Focused Communities:

  • Virtual Communities
    • Teaching Forum Workplace Group for faculty to support each other in their teaching. (Request to join.)
    • Generative AI Faculty Hub in Canvas: Contact to enroll in our Canvas course to access on-demand resources, find policies and guidelines, share model assignments, and connect with experienced faculty. (we don’t want the self-enroll link on the public website so we can keep this as faculty.
  • Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable - A collaborative forum for faculty, staff, and students to shape technology’s role in teaching and learning
  • Innovation Fellowship - Join a faculty learning community focused on pedagogical innovation, engaging in activities throughout the fellowship year.
Teaching and Pedagogy
  • Library Instruction

Library instructors work with faculty to plan and lead instruction sessions for their course to teach information literacy concepts and skills that align with the course’s research objectives. Contact Brittney Johnson to schedule a session (

  • Library Archives
    • Faculty can collaborate with the Archivist to design assignments around the archival collection, plan a guest lecture, bring their class to the Archives, or create artifacts to be added to the Archives. (More info here)
  • Culturally responsive and assets-based pedagogies (Fac B&I and CTE)
  • CTE sessions to prepare faculty for course design and teaching
  • Teaching symposium
  • CTE teaching awards
  • Teaching Forum Workplace Group for faculty to support each other in their teaching. (Request to join.)
  • CTE sessions to prepare faculty for assessment and its relationship to course design
Faculty and student interactions
On Campus (Physical) Classroom Support
Academic Technology Tools for Teaching and Learning
Library Collections 
  • Over one million digital resources are available, including ebooks, specialized subject databases, journal articles, streaming videos, images, and archival materials. Permalinks to articles and video content can be embedded in Canvas courses.
  • Faculty have access to Interlibrary Loan and TexShare to borrow materials outside of our collection.
  • Faculty can complete a purchase request if we do not have an item in our collection that they want.
  • Faculty can provide their own copy of a resource to be held on Course Reserve for use in-library only. 
Library Archives
  1. Faculty can collaborate with the Archivist to design assignments around the archival collection, plan a guest lecture, bring their class to the Archives, or create artifacts to be added to the Archives. (More info here)
Library Instruction
CTE sessions to prepare faculty for course design and teaching
Teaching symposium
Instructional Design Consultations 
  • To help faculty with identifying and aligning learning outcomes, planning learning activities and assignment design, building courses in person and online, and creating Canvas Course templates. Make an appointment at (bitly link)  or request our help at
  • On-demand training courses and resources for building and teaching online courses. Request access by emailing
  • Request Generative AI project assistance from Instructional Technology to build learning resources
St. Edward's University Open Educational Resources 
  • OER and Library Course Materials Discovery Service: Are you interested in exploring zero-cost course materials for your students? Are you seeking materials that are more relevant and responsive to both academic goals and student needs?  Staff from Munday Library and Instructional Technology can help you explore available options in Open Educational Resources (OER) and library materials. To get started, fill out this form to schedule a 30-minute meeting: OER and Library Course Materials Discovery Service Sign-Up Form
LinkedIn Learning 
  • It gives students, faculty, and staff access to thousands of video tutorials on various topics.
Innovation Fellowship 
  • It supports faculty members who seek to explore new pedagogical approaches and dedicate time to designing or revising courses.

Library Research Help

  1. Faculty can schedule an appointment for in-person, phone, or Zoom consultations on their research or publishing questions. Visit

Library Archives

  • Faculty can collaborate with the Archivist to design assignments around the archival collection, plan a guest lecture, bring their class to the Archives, or create artifacts to be added to the Archives. (More info here)
Innovation Fellowship 
  • It supports faculty members who seek to explore new pedagogical approaches and dedicate time to designing or revising courses.
Faculty Zero-Cost Course Materials Grants
  • These grants encourage faculty to explore high-quality alternatives to expensive course materials. Zero-cost solutions like Open Educational Resources (OER) and library resources can make courses more affordable for students, while allowing professors the freedom to create more tailored, inclusive course materials.
Course Evaluations
  1. Knowledge Base article (link to be added)
  2. Course Evaluation calendar (to be added)
  3. Link to Canvas course with videos (link to be added)

This portion of the site is in development

wood steps on a yellow wall

Faculty Promotion and Tenure

Here, you can find documents and resources related to the faculty lifecycle of rank and promotion. 

Tenure-track faculty: Intent to Apply for Promotion and/or Tenure Smartsheet form (Due by May 31)

Specialized Faculty: link to be added

Faculty Governance

All contracted faculty are members of the Faculty Collegium. The collegium generally meets once a semester and is a forum for faculty to discuss developments on campus and issues of interest or concern. The Faculty Senate conducts most faculty business. The Senate is elected, with representation from each School, undergraduate and graduate, and the Library, as well as some members elected at large.

blue key with image of letter on keyboard

Contact Us!

For additional information, you may contact: 

Center for Teaching Excellence:
Munday Library: 
Instructional Technology:
Faculty Belonging and Inclusion: